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Developmentally Appropriate Practices

Age Appropriateness

Individual Appropriateness



Lesson plans

Outside play

Gross motor play

Small group activities

Large group activities

Circle time

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At V-CAMP EARLY LEARNING CENTER, our curriculum encourages learning through play, using a variety of activities and techniques to reach particular goals.

Our developmentally appropriate curriculum provides physical, emotional, social, and cognitive learning through an integrated approach. Each of these domains is interconnected and impacts the others.


Children learn by active involvement with their environment, children attempt to make sense of the world around them. They learn by exploring their environment through hands-on experience. Teaching young children is a creative process. An early childhood curriculum provides the framework for what actually happens in a planned environment where children interact with materials, peers, and adults.


The primary teaching goal is to help young children use the environment productively and see themselves as capable learners. They will acquire the skills and abilities needed for a lifetime of learning through carefully planned, developmentally appropriate activities arranged by the teachers.


When a learning environment encourages exploration and discovery, children develop a sense of trust and belonging. They feel important and valued when others listen to them, seek out their ideas, and allow them to express themselves. This type of environment is considered hands-on or learning through play.


Children in our classrooms are encouraged to discover things on their own. They learn by exploring the actual objects we talk about. The teachers inspire the children by asking open- ended questions and finding new ways to teach new things within the subject area.



 Our teachers use developmentally appropriate practices to nurture the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development of each child. The theories of early childhood education are used to implement the curriculum. Assessments are done to identify the strengths of each child as well as the needs of each child. These assessments help us to tailor the curriculum to the needs of each classroom.




Human development research indicates that there are universal, predictable sequences of growth and change that occur in children during the first nine years of life. These predictable changes occur in all domains of development – physical, cognitive, emotional, and social. Knowledge of the typical development of children within the age span served by our programs provides the framework from which teachers prepare the learning environment and plan appropriate experiences.



Each child is a unique person with an individual pattern and timing of growth, as well as an individual personality, learning style, and family background. Both the curriculum and adults’ interactions with the children should be responsive to those individual differences. Learning in young children is the result of interaction between the child’s thoughts and experiences with materials, ideas, and people.




Each month the entire day care focuses on one general theme or concept (camping, the zoo, etc.). The group activities are themed as well. Individual teachers will base their classroom’s appearance and activities on the theme.



Every month, we focus on up to 10 goals and objectives for each classroom. Activities are then designed to facilitate learning the objectives. While participating in the activities, each child’s individual discoveries and progress are noted in that child’s file. Every time a similar activity is done or a comparable objective is desired, this record provides the means by which the child’s overall progress may be assessed against common core standards, where appropriate.

Some goals and objectives will be determined by the curriculum designer. Others may be determined as appropriate by the teacher in each particular classroom.




Our lesson plans are weekly lists of activities and goals that make up our curriculum. Lesson plans will be completed the week prior to implementation. A lesson plan dictates the week’s events at a glance. A lesson plan should cover every subject area. Each area should have a new item added every week to teach the classroom objective(s).






 At least 60 minutes of accumulated daily STRUCTURED physical activity is provided daily. At least 60 minutes of daily UNSTRUCTURED physical activity is provided daily and toddlers will not be sedentary for more than 60 minutes at a time, except when sleeping. Toddlers are provided ample opportunities to develop movement skills that are the basis for future motor skillfulness and physical activity.


Gross motor play develops and builds large motor skills (walking, crawling, running, jumping, climbing, etc.). Children develop these skills outside while using the play equipment, running, taking walks, and inside by exercising. These skills are important in many ways. The children develop large muscle movements that ultimately translate into beginning writing skills. Children grow from the trunk of their bodies out to their fingers. They need to master large movements before they can master the small ones. Teachers facilitate play by planning games and exercises.



Teachers take groups of 2-3 children to work on projects or do assessments. The children get more individual attention in the small group.




In large group activities the entire class participates in an activity. This allows the children to use peer interaction to help one another with ideas. This is a great way to teach and use cooperation skills. Older children who have mastered skills are usually willing to help the younger ones. This helps to teach both of the children.




Circle time is a large group activity. During circle time, children learn about the days of the week, the months, the weather (and weather predictions), the alphabet, and counting. The children also find out their jobs of the day. The teacher generally reads a story at this time as well.

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